Do You Know These Verses?

The Animated Word Team is excited to provide a new trailer for Revelation. Our goal with all the content we put out is for Christ to be exalted. Christ is the main character of Revelation, of the Bible, and of our lives. When reading Revelation or watching it unfold in our monthly chapter releases, it’s easy to get swept up in imagining heaven, pondering the meaning behind the imagery, and comparing verses in Revelation to life in the modern world. While there’s nothing wrong in those things, we strive to keep Christ at the center. This trailer is for you. This trailer is so that you can see Christ at the center.
So, if Christ is so integral to this book, where does He come in through the trailer?
Toward the beginning of the trailer, the narrator says, “You know these verses,” and lists off three key verses that are well known. They are so broadly quoted that some people may not even recognize them from Revelation. They’re from different chapters, but Christ is a common theme that threads them together. Do you know these verses?
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I
will come in to them and dine with them, and they with Me.
Revelation 3:20
Who is speaking here? Jesus! Are we listening for his voice? Are we opening the door for Him in our lives?
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “Who is and who was and who is  to come, the Almighty!”
Revelation 1:8
It is a bold claim for Jesus to name Himself Lord God. However, Jesus proved He was God through his death, resurrection, and ascension into Heaven. Throughout the book of Revelation, we see more and more examples of Jesus’ holiness displayed!
And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one hearing say, “Come!” And let the one thirsting say“Come!” Whoever desires, let them take the water of life freely! 
Revelation 22:17
When Jesus ascended into Heaven, He sent His Holy Spirit to His people. The Church, around the world, is considered the bride, and Jesus is the bridegroom. Will you heed the call to come and follow Jesus?
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